By popular demand, you can now subscribe to posts on The Traveling Zipperhead Blog!
When you are on a “Post Page”, where there is a comment box for you to enter a comment, there should be two check boxes below the comment related fields. The first one is for subscribing to discussions, and the second: “Notify me of new posts by email.” is for subscribing to new posts on the blog in general.
The second checkbox is the checkbox you will want to choose if you want to subscribe to new posts on this blog. You will also need to enter your email address and a name, then click the post comment button. If you actually want to write a comment, you can as well, but we will not let blank posts through moderation, so blank comments will not be public.
Once you press the post comment button, you should shortly get an email from, so check spam folders if you do not see it, and add that email address to your whitelist (how to do this is specific to your email provider) for valid email addresses so future emails do not get placed into your spam box.
That email should have one more button to confirm the subscription, click that, and you should be subscribed to future posts on The Traveling Zipperhead Blog!
3 Responses to Message from the resident techie!