Author Archives: TravelingZipperhead


When I was a kid, my dad had cancer. Leukemia. There were times when his white blood cell counts were so low that we had to wear a mask to go in his room, to protect him. He was so … Continue reading

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Grandma Sue

Losing someone you love is always hard. Losing someone you love, who wasn’t always liked by everyone is just a little bit harder. I’ve had my fair share of grandmothers growing up, five to be exact, and all different. Every … Continue reading

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When I was s kid, about the age of my kids now, I thought my parents were in total control. That they knew everything and they knew what they were doing. It wasn’t until I got older that I realized, … Continue reading

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Awesome Edible Kids Crafts -a book review

My kids love crafting. My office floor is often covered with their scraps because they steal my supplies to make things for themselves. They also love to get into the kitchen with me to make fun things, so when I … Continue reading

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Instant Gratification

I am a chef. That’s what I went to school for, that’s what I worked my butt off for (and got my butt kicked by). I graduated culinary school (with honors, don’t forget that part!) and I have been trained … Continue reading

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30 years

What have you done in the last 30 years? That’s a long time, right? The world has changed so much in that time. Here’s what I’ve done: Gone through middle school, high school, college, and culinary school. Got my first … Continue reading

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Chiari awareness

I’ve debated on whether or not to write this post, as I do with all my posts, but mostly this one. It’s turning to fall here and the rain hangs heavy in the atmosphere, waiting to fall for the next … Continue reading

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It’s rare that I am sad to leave a hotel, I’m ready for the next adventure, the next town. Sometimes I’m sad to leave a city, like Brussels, I hated to leave that hotel because while it was cool, I … Continue reading

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I’ve learned some things this trip. Things about my family, things about myself, and just some general things. For instance: taking your dog on vacation is both really cool and a giant pain in the butt. I’ve learned that most … Continue reading

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Vacation. Made.

Traveling is important, right? At least I should think so, I AM the Traveling Zipperhead. Im a Zipperhead, and I love to travel, that’s kinda why I’m here. I think we get a lot from travel, we feed our souls … Continue reading

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